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Americans Continue to Have A Nuanced View of The US Healthcare Insurance System

Democrats want the government to make sure all Americans have health insurance, and they want the government to oversee the health care system. I feel The indies lean toward the Democratic Party in the former and the Republican Party in the latter.

That is the policy of the health care party.

Government collapse is imminent, thanks to a recent Gallup poll. Since 2000, Gallup has tracked American preferences about who should be responsible for health insurance and who should provide it. According to Gallup, since 2015 there has been a slight trend in favor of a hands-on approach to government, with 51% to 57% saying he prefers key federal roles.

Recent poll results are consistent with this trend, with 57% saying federal agencies have a responsibility to extend health coverage to all Americans, and 40% saying private companies and market forces are responsible. says it is necessary.

Democrats have clearly stated that they want the government to be in power, as 9 out of 10 said yes to the question. Republicans were not unanimous:

7 out of 10 want to get rid of federal agencies. Six in 10 independents say health insurance should be mandatory in Washington.

Republicans have been consistent in answering the question of who should actually provide the insurance. More than 8 in 10 said they would "let the private market take over," and 72% of his Democrats want the federal agency to take care of insurance. The Indies were pretty divided down the middle.

Looking back at past poll results, Gallup reports:

"For the last 13 years, he hasn't fallen below 79% of Republicans who prefer private insurance. He peaked at 91% in 2010, when the General Accounting Office was enacted into law. At the same time, 52% (2013) to 77% (2021) of Democrats support the system of running government.

“From 2010 to 2015, the majority of independents supported the private system, but since then they have become more divided, reaching consensus only once in 2021, with 55 supporting private insurance. bottom."

In summary, Gallup said:

"Americans continue to have a nuanced view of the US health care system, and while the government should ensure that all Americans are covered, they want the system to be privately funded. Partisans hold radically different views on how health care should be provided in the United States, with Democrats arguing that the government should not only guarantee insurance coverage but also the system by which health care is provided. and health care.

"Surprisingly, Democrats are united in the belief that the government is more responsible for ensuring that all Americans have access to health care than they want a true public health system. , Republicans are more against such medical care than the idea that it is the government's job to enable Americans to live without it."


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